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electrical wave中文是什么意思

用"electrical wave"造句"electrical wave"怎么读"electrical wave" in a sentence


  • 电波


  • During the other 80 % of sleep ? the part that is non - rem ? the firing pattern of the brain ' s nerve cells sets up slow electrical waves that start at different points in the cerebral cortex and travel across it
    在其余的80 %的非快速动眼睡眠时间里,脑神经细胞的兴奋模式产生的慢速的电波从大脑皮层的不同的区域开始扩布。
  • People ' s self - reports also tally roughly with what electrodes planted on their scalp reveal about the frequency and voltage of electrical waves in their left forebrain , which sparks up when they are feeling good
  • Because it is a long time before the hybrid method getting the field , one can use the artificial net work ' s character of learning by itself , and get the law of the path loss . consequently , it become easier to study the wireless electrical wave ' s propagation characters
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